(HtbC) started its life as some clever coding by Jack Ratcliffe, freelance writer and technologist, who wanted to amalgamate all of the many copywriting and blogging roles listed on the web into a single, writer-friendly feed.
After using the feed on a daily basis to find work, Jack decided to make it public so that others could benefit from a single, simple-to-use resource for finding writing jobs online.
It is maintained by both freelance and full-time writers who work in a myriad of fields while also contributing to HtbC.
Advertising – – if you wish to list a paid job advert (simply adverts are free to list, click here), place a banner advert or have another enquiry in this field.
Write for us – – do you want to write for us and get listed on the recommended copywriters page? Contact us here.
Other queries – – any other enquiries should be sent to this address.